An ecosystem; how does it work?

An ecosystem; how does it work?

Anouk Postuma

Do you want to bring more plants into your home but find it difficult to keep them alive? An ecosystem is the ideal interior greener for people without green fingers! Once assembled, you can enjoy plants in your interior without having to look after them. But how does such an ecosystem actually work and how do you make it extra personal? We explain!

This is how an ecosystem works

How an ecosystem, also called a terrarium, works exactly is a fairly chemical process. We explain it here in an easy way! Photosynthesis is a process in which plants can produce oxygen themselves. The water in the soil is absorbed by the roots. After photosynthesis, the leaves of the plants will release the water in the form of water vapour. The water vapour condenses against the glass wall of the pot and then drips to the soil where the water can be absorbed by the roots again. This process, just like in nature, continues to repeat itself constantly. Maintenance of the plants is therefore not necessary as they will keep themselves alive.

No maintenance at all?

However, there are a few things you should take into account with an ecosystem. For example, the right light is essential for the ecosystem. Place your ecosystem in a place with sufficient daylight but never in direct sunlight or near heat sources such as central heating or bright spotlights. Otherwise it will become too warm in the pot and the above process will not work properly.
We also recommend turning the ecosystem a quarter turn every two weeks, so that all plants get even and sufficient light. In the right conditions, the plants can keep themselves alive for years!

Because the ecosystem creates its own microclimate, you do not need to water the plants. However, it can happen on average once every six months that it is necessary to give extra water. Use the soil as a guideline for how moist it is in the pot. If the soil feels dry, you can give 5 to 10 cl of water, depending on the size of your ecosystem.

Ecolight XXL

“Under the right conditions, the plants can sustain themselves for years!”

Make your ecosystem extra personal

New at Growing Concepts are ecosystems that you can put together yourself . Choose the plants that you like best and make the ecosystem extra personal! The number of plants that fit in the ecosystem is clearly indicated per glassware model, so that the ecosystem will never be too empty or too full. For example, choose the popular Ficus Ginseng plant, the coffee plant the Coffea Arabica or go for a plant with a beautiful leaf pattern such as the Calathea. Plenty of choice!

Also perfect as a gift

Getting a flower to congratulate someone or to support them with something is of course a very nice gesture that is always appreciated. The only disadvantage of flowers is that they die quickly. If you want to give someone a lasting memory, an ecosystem is the perfect gift! Ecosystems are available in many different shapes and sizes. Do you want to give a grand gesture? Then go for a large ecosystem such as the Ecolight XXL . Do you have a slightly smaller budget or space? Then choose an Egg or Erlenmeyer medium .

Egg large Calathea